Chris McKinlay the data scientist and as a graduate student spent some of his free time on OKCupid. When Chris McKinlay got access to a supercomputer through his graduate school, he started analyzing the OKCupid’s question data and he was successfully able to separate the woman around him into seven groups and figured out which questions were most important to the women from that group and the highest chance of compatibility with him. In this way, the data scientist Chris McKinlay figured out all the key questions and he answered all the key questions honestly which he figured out from his research. After answering all the key questions the data scientist Chris McKinlay became the top match for 30,000 women in OkCupid. Thus, the data scientist Chris McKinlay began receiving a huge increase in uninvited messages. Hence, the data scientist Chris McKinlay found he had to deal with woman’s expectations that the two were “perfect matches”. However, the data scientist Chris McKinlay confronted this social expectation by going on “efficient and depersonalized dates” one after the other. But, finally after a long combat the data scientist, Chris McKinlay found his perfect match on his 88th date, yes it’s a very long journey.

Here is the explanation video of the data scientist Chris McKinlay that “How He Hacked OKCupid”.


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