If we really want to change the way we live, it is logical to change the place where we do it. The only problem is that it is very expensive, much more than taking out a new smartphone. A project to modernize the cities and take them to the future would be something that only the richest on the planet could try.

The smart city of Bill Gates will be in Phoenix

Belmont Partners is the last one that is giving a talk; a real estate investment group that has just spent $80 million buying more than 10,117 hectares of land west of the city of Phoenix, in the state of Arizona.

The community that will be born in that space, called Belmont, aims to become an intelligent city; It will be a project like no other, with an eye on the future more than in the present, they say. The cutting-edge technology will be the protagonist, starting with the integration of high-speed networks and data centers in the infrastructure itself. The construction methods will also be new, and the streets will be designed with autonomous cars in mind. It will also have autonomous logistic centers for the distribution of goods. 1,500 hectares will be dedicated to commercial spaces and offices, and 190 will be reserved for public schools. In total, it is expected to be able to build 80,000 “residential units”. The smart city of Bill Gates is not the only one in preparation. The very same Google is also very interested in building a city from scratch; a city that follows its philosophy and its technology. Although at the moment, they are only empty hectares. So, what do you think about this? Simply share your views and thoughts in the comment section below.


Bill Gates Is Building His Own Futuristic Smart City - 83Bill Gates Is Building His Own Futuristic Smart City - 34Bill Gates Is Building His Own Futuristic Smart City - 96