The Samsung Galaxy Note 7 went on sale with some great reviews and a serious problem in the factory battery anode and cathode cell contact, resulting in overheating and can cause the battery to catch fire, hence, the phone explodes. Since its launch, many Galaxy Note 7 users have already reported dozens of incidents of the battery of Galaxy Note 7 worldwide. The phone would have caused fires in cars, hotel rooms or even garages also. Hence, the South Korean Smartphone manufacturer Samsung launched a program of withdrawal for customers around the world could change their phone for one battery repaired, but the difficulties of the manufacturer to meet this demand are getting a replacement is a headache for users. Meanwhile, the Federal Aviation Administration of the United States has strongly recommended to the Galaxy Note 7 turn Users simply to turn off the phone during flights and do not put in your checked bag. Finally, the Commission Consumer Product Safety (CSPC) urged all the owners of the Samsung Galaxy Note 7 to turn them off and not to use them for the moment. Against this background, Samsung released the following statement on Saturday: “To date, we have received a small number of incidents worldwide and at this time we are conducting a thorough inspection with our suppliers to identify potentially affected batteries on the market. However, since the safety of our customers is the top priority for Samsung, we have decided to suspend sales of Galaxy Note7. For all those who have already acquired Note7 Galaxy devices, we ask you to please turn off your device and re-use your old phone. Starting next September 19, we begin to voluntarily replace their current device Galaxy Note7 with the new one”. If you have a Galaxy Note 7 then simply you can return it at the point of sale where you purchased it from and receive one replacement by the September 19, 206. So, for further any queries and doubts the South Korean Smartphone manufacturer Samsung have made available to all its users a phone number and an email support where you can simply resolve and clear your any doubts and queries.


Samsung Urges Users Globally To Stop Using The Galaxy Note 7 - 71Samsung Urges Users Globally To Stop Using The Galaxy Note 7 - 40Samsung Urges Users Globally To Stop Using The Galaxy Note 7 - 87