It has only been a week since the iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus hit the market, now it seems that the device has already been pirated or jailbroken. A renowned hacker and security researcher named Luca Tedesco has risen a picture on his Twitter account showing the jailbroken iPhone 7. Many users said that this hacker was lying about the jailbreaks for the final version of iOS 10. However, the contents which were published by him, actually it worked fine and has able cover many mouths. As in the picture, we can see that the device running Cydia, an alternative app to the App Store, exclusively for devices with Jailbreak.

However, he has not released the exploit publicly and even not offered much information about the exploit as well. So, currently, we can not say that when and whether Tedesco will share the iPhone 7 jailbreak process with the public. But, yet it is also not clear that whether the exploit is an untethered jailbreak or not. The untethered jailbreak is actually a type of jailbreak where the device simply doesn’t require any reboot every time when it connects to an external device capable of executing commands on the device.

— qwertyoruiop (@qwertyoruiopz) September 21, 2016 Even if the hacker, Tedesco has not publicly released the tool that he used to get this type of access. However, for now at least we all know that jailbreak for iPhone 7 has already been developed, but, the hacker, shared his findings history of this kind not beyond the photos or videos, as it simply shows that the hacker suggests it’s indeed possible to jailbreak iPhone 7. So it seems so far, that the hacker, Tedesco will not disclose more information about the method of jailbreaking the iPhone 7, particularly on how he was able to get it. However, there are many more players in this arena (especially the group Pangu, located in China) that continue to launch new methods of hacking iOS devices.

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